What do a Trumpian businessman from Little Rock, a shy boy from Iraq and the courtesan from the 16th century have in common?
For years, Katrien van Beurden (actress and artistic director of Theatre Hotel Courage) traveled the world with a bag of masks to take the raw Commedia dell'Arte out of context and breathe new life into it. She rediscovered the raw Commedia about which there is so much misunderstanding: What the F is Commedia dell'Arte? Where in the Netherlands only the jokes and gags remained, few people know how the raw Commedia performers enchanted audiences in times of extremes and literally played on life and death. The Commedia where women showed their bosoms to draw audiences to then tell of their dreams, loneliness and ambitions in life.
On this evening, Theatre Hotel Courage's international troupe shares their passion and stories about the theater form on which their self-developed play style is based: the raucous Commedia dell'Arte. In virtuoso fashion, they share stories of players and people from worlds where those same times of extremes have never disappeared, but rather are in revival. This evening will be enriched by a special guest from West Africa, the live musicians will turn everything upside down musically and the players will improvise in their own unique - to life and death - style. It promises to be a virtuoso and poetic madness, where the ingenuity of survival in our world and on the playing floor is the connecting theme.

Regie en muziekregie: Katrien van Beurden
Concept: Katrien van Beurden
Tekst en spel: Anne Fé de Boer, Sacha Muller, Thomas van Ouwerkerk (Nederland) Alaa Shehada, Saber Shreim (Palestina), Nii Kwartelai Quartey (Ghana), Khadijeh Khanfari Poor (Iran), Joey Donnelly (Amerika), Chandana Sarma (India) Spel en tekst (repetitieperiode) Aqil Dahhan, Santino Slootweg
Muziekcompositie: Remy van Kesteren, Peter Vigh, Arend Bruijn
Muziek: Remy van Kesteren, Dominique Vleeshouwers, Pieter de Koe, Tobias Borsboom
Maskermaker: Den Durand
Regieassistent: Maria Martpay, Collins Seymah Smith
Dramaturgie: Dennis Molendijk
Productie: Anne Nuninga, Charlotte Pas
Publiciteit: Alles voor de Kunsten, Kernteam Courage
Lichtontwerp: Yuri Schreuders
Kostuum: Nola Pistach
Fotografie: Omar Iman
Scenefotografie: Moon Saris
Verkoop: Alles voor de Kunsten (theaters), Katrien van Beurden (bijzondere locaties)
Met dank aan: Micaele Miranda
Producent: Moondocs
8-11 Compagnietheater - Amsterdam
9-11 Compagnietheater - Amsterdam
10-11 Compagnietheater (première) - Amsterdam
11-11 Compagnietheater - Amsterdam
12-11 Compagnietheater - Amsterdam
23-11 Het Nationale Theater, Zaal3 - Den Haag
24-11 Het Nationale Theater, Zaal3 - Den Haag
25-11 Het Nationale Theater, Zaal3 - Den Haag
28-11 COOL kunst en cultuur - Heerhugowaard
29-11 Hof 88 - Almelo
30-11 Theater aan het vrijthof - Maastricht
4-12 Vrijhof cultuur - Enschede
11-12 Compagnietheater - Amsterdam
*De voorstelling zal ook spelen op bijzondere locaties, zoals Hogere Hotelschool, Vrouwengevangenis Nieuwersluis, Voedselbank Leidschendam, Stayokay, sociale werkplaats, asielzoekerscentra, Buma Classical Convention en een bejaardentehuis voor ex-verslaafden.