"In our time, when letter writing is not so popular, we forget how important it
used to be."
We are currently collecting stories from the neighbourhood. We want the performance to be an event for, from and with the neighbourhood. Our great desire is to bring the stories of local residents to life in the performance and that local residents get to know each other. To get to know each other by sharing stories together.
We notice that many people in the neighbourhood want more contact with local residents, but just don't know how. The simplest and most ancient way to make contact is to write a letter. In times of rapid digital traffic, writing a letter has become something valuable. There is care and attention in a written letter. We wish this for everyone and that is why we are starting THE LETTER CHANGE.
We would like to invite you to take part in the exchange of letters that will take place this summer between neighbourhood residents in the Baarsjes of Amsterdam. You will meet your pen neighbour during the performance 'Heroes of BB'.
Join the exchange of letters! Everyone can participate and it is very easy.
You can sign up on the website. We ask you to leave your email address, so that we can contact you if necessary or send you a confirmation of the performance.
You will then receive a postal packet in which you will be directly linked to a local resident. The package contains letter paper, envelopes, inspiration questions and a short description of your pen neighbour (including address).
You send your letter to the pen neighbour by post.
You will receive the first letter from your pen neighbour in your letter box.
Write a letter back and from now on write to each other as much as you like!
You will meet each other during the performance. Two seats are reserved and beforehand you can have a bite to eat, served by local residents, on the pop-up terrace!
Would you like to join us? Then sign up below!